Musculoskeletal Regeneration Research Center is based on the foundation built in Orthopaedic Research Center since 2001, including integrated research for basic-clinical medicine and commodification of research results. The achievement for the translational applications includes 47 patents, 7 Technology transfers, 4 startup companies and 1 mergers and acquisitions (M&A). The goal of this center is to solve the clinical unmet need in musculoskeletal system for treating severe tissue defect and degeneration through the innovative researches and inventions. The missions of this center are to educate students and young scholars for the knowledge and research competence in the field of musculoskeletal regeneration medicine, and to promote the integration of basic and clinical medicines, translational applications, and interdisciplinary international collaboration.


Six topics will be focused to develop and deepen as following:

1) Bone regeneration research,

2) Cartilage regeneration research,

3) Wound repair regen research,

4) Muscle, tendon and ligament regeneration research

5) Biomedical materials research

6) Interdisciplinary collaboration (including research and development of medical instruments and AI applications in health and medical care). 


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